The Antral Follicle Count: 1 Measure of Ovarian Reserve & Predicting the Outcome of IVF

The Antral Follicle Count: 1 Measure of Ovarian Reserve & Predicting the Outcome of IVF

Antral follicle count is one way to predict ovarian reserve. Chronological age and ovarian reserve are generally parallel. However, this can vary enormously. The number of follicles, each containing one egg, which are available in the ovarian “pool” or reserve relates to the chance of success of in vitro fertilization (IVF). These numbers decline with […]

Picking an Ideal Egg Donor

Picking an Ideal Egg Donor

It can feel daunting to be told by your infertility specialist that you should consider choosing an egg donor. If you have decided on the path of egg donation, the next decision is to choose an egg donor. The most wonderful opportunities arise when a potential recipient has a compassionate donor. This category of donors […]