PCOS: Vigorous Exercise Has Measurable Health Benefits

PCOS: Vigorous Exercise Has Measurable Health Benefits

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may improve their general health with vigorous exercise. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has a lifelong impact on women suffering from the condition. PCOS can cause issues with a woman’s menstrual cycles, which can make getting pregnant a challenge, change the way a woman looks, and may also lead to serious health […]

Does Body Mass Index (BMI) Affect Your Chances of Pregnancy with IVF?

Does Body Mass Index (BMI) Affect Your Chances of Pregnancy with IVF?

BMI may influence the chances of having a baby through in vitro fertilization (IVF). There is ongoing discussion about whether a woman’s BMI affects the outcomes with IVF. A Medscape.com article reported there is still no clear conclusion about whether high BMI impacts assisted reproductive outcomes, because the studies presented had conflicting results. There seems to be […]

If I am Overweight, Will Losing Weight Help Me Get Pregnant?

If I am Overweight, Will Losing Weight Help Me Get Pregnant?

Being overweight can make getting pregnant more difficult. In a recent study, obese women who lost weight had significantly higher pregnancy rates subsequently in various treatments and spontaneously than those who did not lose weight. Patients do not need to be thin.  Losing as little as 5 percent of your body weight can help. Following […]