Can a Pregnancy Jeopardized by Miscarriage Be Saved?

Can a Pregnancy Jeopardized by Miscarriage Be Saved?

Many patients who have bleeding or cramping in early pregnancy can still have a normal pregnancy. However, perhaps half the time a miscarriage, or unexpected loss of the pregnancy, can occur. Thus bleeding is a sign that that should be observed diligently. In the past, before the mechanisms of pregnancy loss were understood, it was […]

Surrogacy Agencies Ensure a Smooth Experience to Patients

Surrogacy Agencies Ensure a Smooth Experience to Patients

Surrogacy agencies/gestational carrier agencies are key in navigating all of the important twists and turns on this path. Surrogacy is a complex method of family building. However it is not common that a couple requires this service. It can be used when a woman has no uterus or a uterus unfit for pregnancy. Certain medical […]

An Innovative IVF Pioneer at Pathways Fertility

An Innovative IVF Pioneer at Pathways Fertility

Science Advances IVF in the ’80s In preparation to begin an IVF center, in 1983 Dr. Massey was fortunate to spend five weeks in Australia at the famed Monash University IVF Center. They took IVF success rates up to about 15% per cycle, excellent at the time. The lab director was Alan Trounson, PhD, who […]

Egg Freezing: Intriguing Research on Who is Doing It

Egg Freezing: Intriguing Research on Who is Doing It

The practice of egg freezing appears to be growing, with a recent California study giving insight into which women are preserving their fertility and why. Egg freezing has been used for over a decade successfully. The outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) after egg freezing are almost the same as from fresh eggs. Although egg freezing […]

Fertility Treatments Depend on Excellent Science

Scientific Data Guides Fertility Science

Fertility doctors depend on science to make treatment decisions. When the natural processes involved in producing a child fails at some point along the way, we can use medical science to increase your chances of having a baby. If you are in your 20s or 30’s, and have been infertile for a couple of years, […]

One and Done

One and Done

Fertility doctors have a saying called “One and Done.” The term “One and Done” means that a patient can complete her family with only one full IVF cycle because enough eggs were retrieved to allow for some embryos to be frozen for later use or because she had twins the first time and does not […]

Be Proactive, Like Michelle Obama

Take a lesson from the former first lady, Michelle Obama, and be proactive when it comes to your reproductive health, especially if you’ve experienced a miscarriage. This one’s for the ladies from a fine role model: be proactive about seeking fertility care. Michelle Obama has disclosed in her memoir “Becoming” that she had in vitro fertilization […]

13 Important Questions about Sex Selection Ethics

13 Important Questions about Sex Selection Ethics

Deciding which gender embryo to transfer for pregnancy during IVF brings up a lot of questions about sex selection ethics. Question: What are public attitudes about using preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) for sex selection? Answer: A study of the public attitudes in America showed that 68 percent of Americans disapprove of the use of PGS for sex selection only. A German […]

Low AMH – Intriguing Help for the Future with Co-Q 10

Low AMH – Intriguing Help for the Future with Co-Q 10

Low AMH and Infertility Advanced reproductive age or low AMH (low ovarian reserve) in the field of IVF for infertility means there are lower than ideal numbers of eggs and lower numbers of embryos. The quality of embryos is lower. Importantly, there is an increased risk of pregnancy losses, particularly due to abnormal chromosomes in […]