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Office Hysteroscopy Can Improve Pregnancy Rates - A woman viewing her pregnancy test
Office Hysteroscopy Can Improve Pregnancy Rates

Office Hysteroscopy Can Improve Pregnancy Rates

What is an Office Hysteroscopy?

Office hysteroscopy is a safe and simple procedure using a very thin fiber optic camera that allows the physician to conveniently evaluate the uterine cavity. The benefits for both the patient and the physician include a timelier diagnosis while affording the convenience of not going to a surgery center or hospital and receiving anesthesia. Office hysteroscopy allows for brilliant, real-time visualization and immediate conversion from a diagnostic procedure to an operative procedure for simple adhesions, small polyps, fibroids, or a small septum.

Many of our patients find it informative to watch the live video of the uterine cavity during the procedure since they remain conscious. The average duration of a diagnostic procedure is 45 seconds. Even if an operative component is necessary, the office hysteroscopy rarely lasts more than a couple of minutes.

Dr. Dourron recommends office hysteroscopy on all patients with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss as well as patients preparing for IVF with embryo transfer. This approach allows him to investigate any suspicion of pathology seen by ultrasound. Office hysteroscopy is also the best way to evaluate abnormal uterine bleeding and allows for a visually directed biopsy.

Office hysteroscope can be used:

  • To diagnose and treat endometriosis
  • Remove small polyps
  • Resect small uterine septums
  • Treat small fibroids (myomas)
  • Remove scar tissue

Improving Implantation after IVF

Dr. Dourron recommends that all patients preparing for a frozen embryo transfer (FET) after an IVF cycle have a uterine cavity evaluation with the hysteroscope in the office. This evaluation is much more informative than a saline infusion sonohysterogram (SIS) or ultrasound. 

Additionally, since 1999, Dr. Dourron has been using a special technique to optimize the implantation potential by increasing blood flow at the top of the uterus where the majority of embryos implant. This procedure only lasts about five minutes and requires no anesthesia.

Click here to watch Dr. Dourron explain more about how he uses hysteroscopy to improve success rates.

What is the Difference between Office and Surgery-Center Hysteroscopy?

At Pathways Fertility, we perform hysteroscopies in the office for a number of reasons. The main one is the convenience for our patients. They can eat a normal breakfast; no fasting is required. 

You arrive about 15 minutes before your procedure and then the entire procedure lasts about five minutes. There is no anesthesia required, so you can come in during your lunch break and return to work. The cost for an in-office hysteroscopy is significantly less than in a surgical center or hospital.

If you do a hysteroscopy in a surgical center or hospital, they will require you to fast due to the anesthesia they give. You will have to arrive up to 2 hours before your procedure, plus an hour of recovery time afterwards. Additionally, someone is required to be with you to drive you home.

Click here to watch Dr. Dourron explain the difference between in-office and surgical-center hysteroscopy.

Click here for more information about the hysteroscope we use.

If you have questions about the use of hysteroscopy, Dr. Dourron is happy to discuss them with you. Call us at 404-228-7199 or fill out our webform to have someone reach out to you

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